Children's books

Your Pawprints are On My Heart - Hard Cover English Edition

Through beautiful illustrations and heartwarming rhyme, "Your Pawprints Are on My Heart" gently explores the complex emotions of losing a pet. Young readers will find comfort and solace in this tender tale of friendship, loss, and healing. This book is perfect for parents, caregivers, and educators who want to help communicate with children the difficult process of losing a beloved pet.

Your Pawprints are On My Heart - Paperback- English Edition

Through beautiful illustrations and heartwarming rhyme, "Your Pawprints Are on My Heart" gently explores the complex emotions of losing a pet.

Young readers will find comfort and solace in this tender tale of friendship, loss, and healing. This book is perfect for parents, caregivers, and educators who want to help communicate with children the difficult process of losing a beloved pet.

Your Pawprints are On My Heart - Hard Cover- Japanese Edition


る「 心に君の足あとがある」 。友情、喪失感、癒しを描いたこの優しい物語に、若い読者は慰めと安らぎを見出すことでしょう。この本は、愛するペットを失うという難しいプロセス


Your paw prints are on my heart- Greek Edition-Paperback- Ελληνική Έκδοση

Μέσα από όμορφες εικονογραφήσεις και συγκινητική ομοιοκαταληξία, το "Μια πατουσίτσα στην καρδιά" εξερευνά με ευαισθησία τα περίπλοκα συναισθήματα της απώλειας ενός κατοικίδιου. Οι μικροί αναγνώστες θα βρουν παρηγοριά σε αυτή την τρυφερή ιστορία φιλίας, και απώλειας. Αυτό το βιβλίο είναι ιδανικό για γονείς, φροντιστές και εκπαιδευτικούς που θέλουν να βοηθήσουν στην επικοινωνία με τη δύσκολη διαδικασία της απώλειας ενός αγαπημένου κατοικίδιου στα παιδιά.

Your Pawprints are On My Heart - Paperback- Italian Edition

Attraverso bellissime illustrazioni e rime commoventi, "Le tue impronte sono sul mio cuore" esplora con delicatezza le complesse emozioni della perdita di un animale domestico. I giovani lettori troveranno conforto e consolazione in questa tenera storia di amicizia, perdita e guarigione. Questo libro è perfetto per i genitori, gli assistenti e gli educatori che vogliono aiutare a comunicare ai bambini il difficile processo di perdita di un animale domestico amato.

Your Pawprints are On My Heart - Paperback- Spanish Edition

A través de bellas ilustraciones y rimas conmovedoras, "Tus Huellas Están en Mi Corazón" explora con delicadeza las complejas emociones que conlleva la pérdida de un animal de compañía. Los jóvenes lectores encontrarán consuelo en esta tierna historia de amistad, pérdida y curación. Este libro es ideal para padres, cuidadores y educadores que desean ayudar a comunicar a los niños el difícil proceso de perder una mascota querida.

Your Pawprints are On My Heart - Hard Cover- Spanish Edition

A través de bellas ilustraciones y rimas conmovedoras, "Tus Huellas Están en Mi Corazón" explora con delicadeza las complejas emociones que conlleva la pérdida de un animal de compañía. Los jóvenes lectores encontrarán consuelo en esta tierna historia de amistad, pérdida y curación. Este libro es ideal para padres, cuidadores y educadores que desean ayudar a comunicar a los niños el difícil proceso de perder una mascota querida.

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Η Αλίνα των Χρωμοσωμάτων: Greek Edition Paperback

Η Αλίνα είναι ένα κορίτσι με ειδικές ικανότητες που αγκαλιάζει με αγάπη ότι βρίσκεται γύρω της. Παρόλο που οι άνθρωποι την αντιμετωπίζουν με οίκτο και τα παιδιά στο σχολείο την κοροιδεύουν, εκείνη επιμένει πως δεν είναι διαφορετική. Είναι απλά αλλιώτικη και εκλεκτή επειδή έχει κάτι παραπάνω από όλους τους κατοίκους της Ευταξίας.

Έχει ένα χρωμόσωμα 21 επιπλέον. Αυτό την κάνει μοναδική!

Της αρέσει να επισκέπτεται τις χώρες των δράκων και να παίζει μαζί τους. Λατρεύει να ζωγραφίζει και να δημιουργεί χρωματικούς συνδυασμούς με τα χρωματα που της δίνουν.

Τι θα γίνει όμως όταν ο Άλκαζορ, ο μίζερος βασιλιάς της Μελάνιας θα απαγάγει την Αλινα για να κάνει δικά του τα υπέροχα χρώματα της Ευταξίας;

Ποιος ο ρόλος του Σίλοναμ του αρχηγού των πολύχρωμων δράκων; Θα καταφέρει με κάποιον τρόπο να βοηθήσει την μικρή Αλίνα να επιστρέψει στο σπίτι της;

Cloudie Travels to Greece Bilingual - Ο Συννεφούλης Ταξιδεύει στην Ελλάδα Δίγλωσσο

Greece is the starting point for Cloudie, who wants to travel around the world. In order for the playful cloud to accomplish his goal, he doesn’t hesitate to ask for help from the Ruler of the Winds, Aeolus, to guide him on his way. He promises Aeolus that he will be very careful and diligently follow his wise directions as long as he helps him make his dream come true. This is an entertaining and educational story written in two languages, Greek and English, which teaches Greece’s history and geography while emphasizing the necessity of obedience and the importance of consequence.

Cloudie travels to Greece- English Edition

Greece is the starting point for Cloudie, who wants to travel around the world. In order for the playful cloud to accomplish his goal, he doesn’t hesitate to ask for help from the Ruler of the Winds, Aeolus, to guide him on his way. He promises Aeolus that he will be very careful and that he will diligently follow his wise directions as long as he helps him make his dream come true. This is an entertaining and educational story written in two languages, Greek and English, which teaches Greece’s history and geography while emphasizing the necessity of obedience and the importance of consequence.

The eXtra Love: Alina, in the world of the colored dragons

Alina is a girl with special abilities who lovingly embraces all around her. She is unique because she has something that the other people of Orderland don't. She has an eXtra chromosome 21. That is why she has extra love for everyone.

Alina sometimes likes to visit the dragon lands and play with them. She loves to paint and create beautiful combinations with the colors the dragons give her. She then passes them on to her father, the painter of Orderland, who uses them to paint the homes on their land with magical colors.

Amazon US

Flare, the fox (Our Friends The Animals)

Flare the fox is clever and cheeky.
She runs, she hides, she is so sneeky.
Where does she go?
Where can she be?
Where’s Flare?
Behind a bush or a tree?

Amazon US

Flare, the fox-Bengala La zorra (Spanish Edition)

Flare the fox is now available in Spanish! Perfect for children learning the Spanish language.

Children can follow the rhyming tales of animals through our series: Our Friends, The Animals. Each book brings to life a different animal through fun, clever rhymes and colorful illustrations, exploring their unique habitats and behaviors. Ideal for sparking imagination and teaching young readers about the natural world, this series invites kids to discover animals such as foxes, donkeys, otters, and many more.

Bengala la zorra

es astuta.

Ella corre, se esconde

y es travieza.

¿Dónde está?

¿Dónde podría estar?

¿Dónde está Bengala?

¿Detrás de un

árbol o arbusto?

Amazon US

Flare the fox- Greek Version- Που η αλεπού (Greek Edition) 

Η "Πού η Αλεπού" είναι ένα χαρούμενο παιδικό βιβλίο που προσκαλεί τους μικρούς αναγνώστες σε ένα παιχνίδι κρυφτού στον κόσμο της φύσης. Μέσα από ρίμες και ζωντανά χρώματα, τα παιδιά ψάχνουν για την Που, την πανέξυπνη αλεπού, καθώς επιλέγει διάφορα κρησφύγετα.

Πού να είναι η Που;

H πανέξυπνη αλεπού

.Πού πηγαίνει και τι κάνει;

Όπως πάει θα μας τρελάνει!

Πού να είναι τώρα η Που;




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